Challenge Update: 1 June 2014
Successfully completed at least one QSO per day throughout the months of January – May. Total QSO’s completed in May 2014 is 826. Total for the year 1,644. Challenge = On Track!!!
2014 Challenge Information
My 2014 amateur radio challenge will be similar to my 2012 challenge of having at least one QSO per day, each day throughout the year 2014. I must give credit where credit is due. I was inspired by Keith, G6NHU and his successful QSO365 project he completed in 2011.
Like Keith in 2011, I’m also going to attempt to send a QSL card for at least one of my daily QSO’s each day. I have brand new QSL cards printed which I’ll start using in 2014. Thanks to Randy Dorman, KB3IFH for his help with the new cards.
Second to my QSO per day challenge, I also truly want to work on earning more of my ARRL awards. I’m very close in some categories, yet pretty far away in others. I’d like to earn at a minimum of six awards for 2014. Of course, there’s no better way to chip away at award categories than making an effort to get on the air each and every day. So the QSO a Day challenge will assist with the award effort in a big way.
The rules? We don’t need no stinkin rules….right? My rules are simple. I use UTC time/date for my date. Most of my contacts are made after 5 PM (local) which is midnight UTC for me. If for example on Friday evening I’m unable to make a QSO which would actually be logged for the Saturday date, any QSO’s logged Saturday prior to midnight UTC will count. If I were successful at making a QSO the Thursday evening prior and could not get to the shack on Friday, I could still make my Saturday QSO prior to the date change. Confusing?
You can check my progress by visiting the Logbook tab (top of page). I’m displaying my last 50 QSO’s via this logbook page. I will also occassionally blog about my progress and will include a link at the top of the page to that particular blog posting.
I hope you’ll consider joining me in this challenge. I’ll update this page (at the top) at the end of each month showing my progress. Wish me luck!